Thursday, October 16, 2008

Playing Catch-Up

I had fully intended on updating Monday night, thereby starting a pattern of consistent, day by day posting...and then I was in the fiber department after class till 12:40. By the time I got home, close to one in the morning, I didn't feel like looking at a computer, or anything else for that matter. And I guess the past two days got away from me. But here are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, respectively, with a Thursday post to follow later today.

The good news is, regarding my late night stay in the dye kitchen, is that I got my warp fully painted and now I just have to get it through the loom, which is sure to take no less than forever. This weekend is going to be full of work dedicated to this project, stressful but exciting and rewarding.

I think computers live on this chair more than humans do. Around the chair is a sea of wires, and I see the chair as a floating island, a refuge from technology (until technology takes over).

When I sit in the chair, it becomes a home for knitting and balls of yarn and little puffs of fibers. Alas, this apartment is filled with boys and their designing ways, so I usually have to move a computer out of the way to sit down- not only on this chair, on all chairs. Why do computers get precedence over people? It just does not seem fair!

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